The didactic work of Water Academy SRD Foundation, under the careful supervision of the General Director, is expression of solid scientific knowledge of Rome’s International University Pole and Universities around the world with which it collaborates, of the contribution provided by important Research Centres and by a group of highly esteemed scholars who developed some of the most important researches over the last decades on water’s theme, as well as the experience matured in international relationships brought by high-level Experts and Advisors in different sectors. Water Academy SRD Foundation proposes a radical change in dealing with the educational academic sector, promoting an innovative Culture of Water and forming new generations of students ( regardless of their disciplinary origin), teachers, public officials, diplomats, NGO’s members and managers to help them understand how to relate with water and how to treat water’s resources according to the different social dynamics, political and economic, and above all the fundamental values shared universally and expressed by the Sustainable Development Goals. This approach is coherent with the Principles of Sustainable and Responsible Development and increases the awareness of all the people who, directly or indirectly, will benefit from this unique educational model. The high education proposed by Water Academy SRD Foundation offers a unique opportunity to integrate different scientific knowledge with our own knowledge, making it possible to combine different functions of economic, legal and political knowledge, with other disciplines, combining the theoretical dimension with the practical experience of those who have already accomplished professional experiences in different areas related to the study and management of water’s resources. Water Academy SRD Foundation’s goal is to form in a new and more complete world its students, both young and the ones who are already working, giving them a holistic cultural view on Sustainable and Responsible Development focusing on Water, getting them used to think on priorities according to the different situations they find themselves into. In order to have a global formation, applicable on a local level (from Global to Local). Trends in this area are leading towards a structural redefinition of the relationship between Student and Teacher. For this reason the student is placed at the centre of an educational process that puts together the traditional academic activity, and the active participation to genesis, planning and management of events, seminars, workshop and research. Under the direction of teachers of area, professors and tutor, giving the instruments and the basic theoretical knowledge on single disciplines, specific courses based on concrete and real cases will be accessible guaranteeing both the acquisition of Academic Credits (CFU) planned by the educational offer and the gradual maturation to an ability of efficiency. The psycho-pedagogical and didactic model chosen by Water Academy SRD Foundation for Water’s Awareness, Consciousness, Knowledge and Management Master of 1st level (60CFU), is the same proposed by UniNettuno, considered the most efficient and advanced platform for distance learning internationally, with over 25 years of experience on the field. The main learning tool is the one of the spread environment, mainly on the internet, where teaching and learning are in english. This allows to structure under the scientific and educational profile the transition:

  • from the central position of the teacher to the central position of the students;

  • from the transmission of knowledge to the construction of knowledge;

  • to the integration of theory and practice;

  • from a passive and competitive learning to an active and cooperative learning.