The Master in “Water’s Awareness, Consciousness, Knowledge and Management”, conceived and promoted by Water Academy SRD Foundation and released by Uninettuno International University is the result of an innovative and focused path of enhancement of scientific academic skills matured at maximum levels over the last years.
Is based on a didactic offer and an educational plan, both following international regulations which provide for every CFU:
1 hour of video lecture and virtual classroom repeated 2 times.
5 hours of deepening on learning materials-
10 hours of practical exercises
6 hours of cooperative learning sessions
In addition to this, live streaming virtual classrooms will be organized, in which teachers, experts and visiting professors will illustrate casework and specific contributions to subjects of study.
A video library composed of the series of the most important Lectio Magistralis is available and will form the Water Academy SRD Collection.
The program of study is structured in two different didactic phases, 1st and 2nd semester.
The Master foresees 1 seminar chosen between two different Lectures
that will be proposed every year from the Academic Board, at the end of which there will be a simulation test worth 10 CFU.
Last Master’s test, mandatory in order to receive the diploma, is the Thesis, chosen by the student under one of the attended courses.
The thesis receives at least 3 CFU.
Every year, the Faculty Members choose a thesis that will be published and chosen as Testimonial of the ceremony for the opening of the new Academic Year
The Master in Water’s Awareness, Consciousness, Knowledge and Management of 1st level, according to the System ECTS (European Credits Transfer and Accumulation System) gives 60 CFU.
Professor Alessandro Leto
The Master in Water’s Awareness, Consciousness, Knowledge and Management‘s goal is to form, or enrich with a new prospective, appropriate professional profiles in the following areas:
private companies;
public administration;
diplomatic activity;
governmental and non governmental organizations;
European Union’s institutions and organizations;
multilateral institutions and organizations;
journalism, media and communication;
public administrations and local authorities.